Outer Banks Bike Week has quickly grown into one of the biggest spring events in the Outer Banks. A bike week that was just a few days has now grown into a full week. This year's bike week looks to expand on last year's success.
After some changes to Myrtle Beach's Bike Week it looks like many riders who used to opt for heading further South will now be coming to the Outer Banks. This is great for local merchants and businesses. Below is a schedule of events from the offical site. For complete information on Outer Banks Bike Week 2010, visit the official website.
(Looking for Outer Banks Bike Week 2010 Specials? Text obxspecials to 69302.)
Outer Banks Bike Week 2010 Schedule of Events:
Welcome Bikers!!
12 noon-8pm Vendors open at 5 locations
Vertigo Tattoo:
11am-4pm Super Bike Contest
5pm- Burnout Competition
4pm-9pm The Walker Brothers Band
10am-8pm Vendors
All Day-Lucky 12-$1 drafts!
9am-10am Registration-Guided Tour-Around the Sound
Vertigo Tattoo
11am-4pm Metric Bike Contest
5pm Burnout Competition
4pm-9pm The Walker Brothers Band
8pm-11pm Red Drum Taphouse Dreadnecks Band
10am-8pm Vendors
9:30am-10am Registration Guided Tour to Knotts Island-OBX H-D
The Pit- Live Music-$1 Tacos $3 Coronas and Margaritas
12pm-3pm Outer Banks H-D stage Ted Reiser Band
Vertigo Tattoo
11am-4pm Sportster Bike Contest
5pm Burnout Competition
4pm-9pm The Walker Brothers Band
7pm Lucky 12-Nat Hall Band-Rock & Blues
10am-8pm Vendors
9am-10am Guided Tour "Run for the Ferry" OBX H-D
12pm-3pm Ted Reiser Band-OBX H-D Stage
1pm-4:30pm Red Drum-Free Oyster Roast /Mojo Collins Blues Band
Vertigo Tattoo
3pm Hot Wing Contest
11am-4pm Custom Paint Contest
5pm Burnout Competition
11am-4pm Cory Daniel Band
4pm-9pm Triple Shot
7pm Lucky 12-Nat Hall Rock & Blues Band
8pm-11pm Red Drum-Frozen Head & The Squirrels Band
Offical Party Night at Mojo Café- Waves NC Concert Mojo Collins Blues Band
10am-8pm Vendors
9am-10am Guided Bike Week "Pin Run"
12pm-4pm South Phantom Band-OBX H-D Stage
12pm-4pm Jolly Rogers Pig Pickin & DJ
2pm-4pm Registration Ladies ONLY Bike Show-OBX H-D
4pm-5pm Judging Ladies ONLY Bike Show-OBX H-D
Vertigo Tattoo
11am-4pm Big Twin Contest
5pm- Burnout Competition
11am-4pm Cory Daniel Band
4pm-9pm Triple Shot
8pm-11pm Red Drum-Dreadnecks Band
10pm Lucky 12 Tavern-DJ Bruce
Official Party at Port O’Call Restaurant 6pm-til?
9am-6pm H-D Demo Truck at Nags Head H-D
10am-Noon Poker Run Registration at Neon Moon Saloon/Jarvisburg
12pm-4pm Cory Daniels Band at OBX H-D Stage
11am-Til It's Gone- Kitty Hawk Baptist Church-Hamburgers-Sausage & Dogs
12pm-2pm Miss 2009 OBX Bike Week Signing-Shandi Lester
2pm-4pm Bike Show Registration at Nags Head H-D
3pm Tattoo Contest (Registration 12-2:30pm)
4pm-5pm Bike Show Judging at Nags Head H-D
Vertigo Tattoo
11am-4pm Vertigo Tattoo-Antique Motorcycle Contest
5pm Burnout Competition
4pm-9pm Triple Shot
7pm Lucky 12 Tavern-Ted Reiser Band
7pm Biker Worship at Kitty Hawk Baptist Church
8pm-11pm Red Drum-Frozen Head & The Squirrels Band
Official Party at Kelly’s Restaurant 6pm til?
7am-10am OBX Prof. Firefighters Pancake Breakfast at Hooters! Come out and support us!
9am-11am Poker Run Registration at Nags Head H-D (Last bike back by 2:30pm)
9am-6pm H-D Demo Truck at Nags Head
2:30pm Best Beer Belly at OBX H-D Stage
3pm-4pm Miss OBX Bike Week Contest-OBX H-D Stage
11am-Til It's Gone- Kitty Hawk Baptist Church-BBQ
12pm-4pm Awaiting the Sun Band on the OBX H-D Stage
12pn-2pm Miss 2009 OBX Bike Week Poster Signing-Shandi Lester
12pm-4pm The Pit Pig Pickin and Live Music
Gravediggers Mud Bog Event
Vertigo Tattoo
11am-4pm Old School and Bobbers Contest
5pm Final Burnout Competition $250 Cash Prize
11am-4pm Cory Daniel Band
4pm-9pm Triple Shot
7pm Lucky 12 Tavern-Ted Reiser Band
8pm-11pm Red Drum-Dreadnecks Band
Official Party Host OBX Brewing Station 6p til ?
10am-3pm Vendors
8am Service at OBX H-D
10am Service Kitty Hawk Baptist Church-Parking Lot
8am-12noon Official Farewell Breakfast at Jolly Rogers Restaurant
10am Service at Kitty Hawk Baptist Church
All Day-Treasure Coin Discounts- Find the Pirate to get the Booty at OBX H-D
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