2010 Outer Banks Polar Plunge

Date: Saturday February 20, 2010

Registration begins at 10:30

Plunge is at 1 p.m.

The Polar Plunge is held yearly to benefit Special Olympics.   For more information visit their website.  



2009 Outer Banks Polar Plunge Video


Video Courtesy: Seaside Vacations

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Snowing in the OBX

The OBX was blanketed with a couple inches of snow this morning until turning to rain around noon.  We lost power in Kill Devil Hills for a few hours, thus the grilling in the snow.  Took a few other pictures before the snow turned all to rain and slush.  


Outer Banks Snowstown 2010 Pics





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21st Annual Valentine's Day Oyster Reef & Roast


On Saturday February 13th, from 10am to 2pm, the 21st Annual Valentine's Day Oyster Reef & Roast.  Volunteers are needed to come out and help bag shells, for a new oyster enviroment in the sound.  The event is being held rain or shine, so come on out and lend a hand. 

To get to the roast take the main entrance to Jockeys Ridge, which is approximately Milepost 12, Carolista Drive.  For more information on the event, call the Friends of Jockeys Ridge @ 252 441 7132.

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Its back for another Year - 25th Annual Oyster Feast, Stumpy Point

Saturday February 13th is the date for the annual Stumpy Point Oyster Festival.  The festival runs from 12-5 pm at the Stumpy Point Community Center.  As usual the festival is, 'All You Can Eat' fried and steamed oysters, fried fish, and all the trimmings.

The cost is $25 for Adults and $10 for children. .

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Interesting look at the balance between development and natural beauty in the Currituck Outer Banks. 


Projects raise concerns for N.C. wild horses

By Jeff Hampton
The Virginian-Pilot

Three new projects in the Currituck northern Outer Banks could attract more people to the habitat of the wild horses that are already trying to avoid the crowds.

Residents have repeatedly fought off commercial projects and road improvements in the remote communities, preferring fewer services and harder travel in exchange for quiet living.

Wild horses are one of the main attractions on the Currituck Outer Banks. Shops in Corolla sell T-shirts, caps, photographs and books about the herd. A small group of horses on the beach can attract hundreds of people.…

1800 Views, 0 Comments

Looking to build the home of your dreams, in one of Currituck's most sought after communities?  Consider this beautiful homesite, located in the Carolina Club.  In addition to prime location, building a home offers access to 2 beautiful golf courses, Carolina Club & The Point, a community marina and tennis courts. 

This homesite will not last long.  It is priced $45,100 below tax value and is being offered for only $54,900


For more information on this home, email Dawn or call 252 489 8687.  

172 Charleston Drive:



Pictures of the Carolina Club:




1995 Views, 0 Comments

The elimination of building permits in Currituck, would be a great way to spark some construction.  The decline in prices, has made for some very affordable land opportunities throughout Currituck county.  

Here is a beautiful Grandy homesite in the Carolina Club and an Aydlett homesite with sound views. 


Currituck may drop fees to spark home construction

By Jeff Hampton
The Virginian-Pilot

Currituck County could eliminate building permit fees in an effort to spur construction.

There were 159 building permits for new construction last year - the lowest in 20 years and a 77 percent reduction from the all-time high of 695 in 2003, according to county records. In 1989, the earliest year Currituck has records available, there were 431 new…

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Good news for those looking forward to the Mid Currituck Bridge.  The release of the study, seems to be an important step in getting the project underway.


Currituck Mid-County Bridge study close to release

By Toby Tate

The long-awaited environmental impact statement for the Currituck Mid-County Bridge is expected to be released in the next couple of weeks, representing a major milestone for the $660 million project.

The Federal Highway Administration is currently reviewing the study, known as an EIS, and after then, it should be released to the N.C. Turnpike Authority, spokesman Beau Memory said.

Turnpike engineer Jennifer Harris said the EIS will be posted on the agency’s Web site, and that will be followed by a…

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Here is an excellent article from Inman.com about the rise in fractional ownership.  Fractional ownership is better known along the Outer Banks as co-ownerships.  While it has remained steadily popular in the OBX, this article made me wonder if we will see any Outer Banks homeowners consider the possibility of selling their home as a co-ownership rather than as a whole. 

I would have to imagine in this market, it would be most worthwhile for someone who was having trouble selling their oceanfront home to give it a try. 


Real estate 'by the slice'

By Mary Umberger


Can't find a buyer for your luxurious beachfront villa? Maybe you could sell it by the slice.

That's an evolving strategy among homeowners in resort areas who have given…

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A Night With the Outer Banks Daredevils

By: Bill Jordan


Loyal Baseball Reflections readers may have noticed my absence from these pages in the past half year. I took a leave due to the fact that I got married in July and had to make sure to get fully adjusted to life as a husband, working full time and going to graduate school at night before committing to come back to Baseball Reflections. I hope that I will now be able to contribute at least once a week mainly with reviews, predictions and thoughts on the  Cleveland Indians as I had in the past.

Speaking of getting married, on our honeymoon to the Outerbanks, we spent some time relaxing as most would imagine, but we also took in some  baseball as well. There is a college summer league team down…

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