We are less than a week away from this year's Outer Banks Marathon. What started as a small local marathon has blossomed into one of the biggest off season weekends on the Outer Banks. Whether you are a runner or not the marathon weekend offers a great excuse to visit the Outer Banks.
The marathon is supported by the community, thousands of volunteers, and many local businesses. The aid stations along the course are filled with enthusiastic helpers and plenty of support staff. If running 13.1 or 26.2 miles is too much for you, the weekend is also home to a 6 mile run, an 8K, 5K, and a Family Fun Run.
If you need a reason to plan a last minute trip to the beach, this is it. Come cheer for all the race participants or stop and enjoy some local seafood. You can find out plenty of information on the race events, parking, shuttles, and expo on the marathon's official website www.outerbanksmarathon.org.
The Outer Banks Marathon was even featured in an article by Runner's World...
The early miles wind through wooded neighborhoods and skirt Kitty Hawk Bay in the coastal towns of Kitty Hawk (often mistakenly credited as the site of the Wright Brothers' first flight) and Kill Devil Hills (where the plane actually took off). Here, some of the 14,000 off-season residents living along the marathon route watch and cheer, the steam from their coffee cups mixing with mist off the bay. The slapping of our running shoes on the pavement spooks herons stalking their breakfast along the marshy shore, but I feel relaxed and comfortable.
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